sharing.wtf frequently asked questions. If you have anymore questions please contact us
  • Q: Is this free?

    A: Yes, uploading and downloading is 100% Free for all users. We offer premium accounts which allows for greater flexibility with uploading/downloading.

  • How do i become a premium member>
    Click on "Premium" on the main navigation bar on top. And fill i the from to kick start your purchase process. Make sure you're already registered and logged in, so you can skip the username and email address part.

  • What payment methods do you accept if i want to get premium?
    We accept payments from all major credit card providers: mastercrd, VISA, American Express and other major providers.

  • Q: Will my files be removed?

    A: Free/non accounts files are kept for unlimited days. Premium accounts files are kept for unlimited days.

  • Q: How many files can I upload?

    A: You can upload as many files as you want, as long as each one adheres to the Terms of Service and the maximum file upload size.

  • Q: Which files types am I allowed to upload?

    A: You may upload the following types of files: 7z, aac, aif, aiff, avi, bmp, doc, docx, flac, flac, gif, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, m4p, mov, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, ogg, ogg, png, rar, riff, rtf, txt, wav, wma, zip.

  • Q: Are there any restrictions to the size of my uploaded files?

    A: Each file you upload must be less than 0.00 KB in size for free/non accounts or less than 2.00 GB in size for premium accounts. If it is greater than that amount, your file will be rejected.

  • Q: Can I upload music or videos?

    A: Yes. Music and video hosting is permitted as long as you own the copyright on the content and it adheres to the terms and conditions.

  • Q: There are some files on our servers which may have been subject to copyright protection, how can I notify you of them?

    A: Via our report abuse pages.

  • Is the site keep asking you to relogin every single time?

    It's due to your browser settings. For chrome, you need to click here chrome://settings/content/cookies?search=cookies to change a setting. The reason why its not working is because you have "block third party cookies activated". To fix this, just add us to your whitelist: [*.]sharing.wtf.

  • How long does it take for my premium to be activated after purchasing?
    Your premium activation will be instant. But you need to relogin for it to be reflected on your end. If your premium is not activated, send us a message through the contact page.

  • Where can i enjoy my premium memBership?
    At sharing.wtf/filesharing.io. Unfortunately the ad free perk only applies on sharing.wtf and filesharing.io. Other third party sites like dirrtyremixes.com and remixesearch.co might extend this perk but it's not guaranteed and it does not cover un our term of use of this service.